Thursday, February 3, 2011

new toy coming up.

Day 2 and I think it is safe to say I am addicted to blogging already....or maybe that's the boredom of being snowed in and bedridden talking, either way....I'm back.

So I had doctor appointment number 4 in the past month today....guess what?  More meds, more chest x rays and more blood to be drawn, that is when the labs open back up tomorrow.  I am now being forced to do breathing treatments 3-4 times a day and an inhaler twice a day, along with the awful invention of a sinus cavity rinse.  Trust's as brutal as it sounds.  Let me give you the idea:  It is a plastic bottle with an opening at the top that you are supposed to hold inside of one nostril and squeeze as hard as you can, so that the warm salt water inside, can clean out your sinuses and then come out the other nostril/your mouth.  Needless to say much more of my warm salt water ended up in my hair, on the bathroom counter/mirror and all over my face than it did actually in my sinus cavity.  Better luck next time I guess.  However, one positive thing that has come out of the sinus rinse is my mom giving in and buying me the Kindle Reader I have so desperately been wanting...just haven't ever pulled the trigger & bought.  The only catch is, I am required to do the sinus rinse once a day, everyday....without "whining"....whatever that means.  Those who know me well know that I would never, ever need a bribe to control my whining....and those who know me really well, know this statement couldn't be dripping with more sarcasm. 

So I will soon be the proud new owner of this amazing little gadget.  And could it possibly come at a better time?!? I am forced to stay inside, in bed at my parents with all of my quality reading material stuck in Fort Worth.  Along with that valid point, heellloooo....we will be honeymooners soon and I need something to occupy my airport/airplane time.  First item up for guessed it....The Twilight Saga!  I am SO very very VERY excited to have these series at my finger tips EVERY moment of the day without lugging around the actual hard copy book (not that I don't love those also).  I am still debating on a black or white Kindle...thoughts anyone?

Moving on...I cannot believe how lucky fortunate I have been to have literally have not had to take one day off this entire week....yet I have been at home in bed the entire week!  I know most of you are going just as stir crazy as I am with all the snow and ice, however, I am considering it a blessing in disguise that I have been able to stay at home and rest/get well while not having to worry about if my high schoolers are being good for a substitute or if my varsity is actually practicing efficiently without me. 

I would like to give McDonald's and their employees a shout out for always being open during the past 4 days, even through the treacherous winter storms.  It was greatly appreciated by yours truly.  You see....when I am sick I am very picky about my diet or what sounds good, and through the past week or so I can say I have mainly been subsiding on McDonald's happy meals, Sprites, chocolate milkshakes, grilled cheese, Cokes and scrambled eggs.  I have never been one to reach for the soup when I am sick....but I def. reach for the calories!  However, I can honestly say this is the longest I have ever been this seriously ill.  I am going on a month of sickness and I cannot even tell you how great and amazing my friends, family and of course, Gerad have been.  I receive texts daily from multiple people checking on my health and being genuinely concerned with my well being.  It's a very overwhelming feeling thinking about all of these busy people stopping and taking time out of their days to check in on you and let you know that they are here if you need them to do anything.  I am very blessed to have the friends I have , the family I have, and the family I am marrying into, so thank you all for being so sweet. 

Have another great night indoors!

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